Getting Better at R by Solving Puzzles
- Date: 12 December 2023
- Presenter: Michael Jones
- Time: 1230 - 1330
- Location: The Shed, Digital Greenhouse, Guernsey
- Sign up on EventBrite
Each year during December, thousands of people across the world take part in Advent of Code. This is a fantastic series of themed puzzles released each day throughout December up to Christmas. In this session we’ll solve the first few puzzles from 2023’s event together.
I’m hoping to offer this as a hybrid event with the ability to join via Google Meet. While I hope you will attend in person, everyone who signs up will receive a link to the call so you can attend even if you can’t be there in person.
If you want to try the puzzles before the session, please do! In fact, if you want, you can join the private leaderboard to compete on solving these puzzles the quickest. The puzzles are language-agnostic, so you can use whatever language you feel most comfortable in, though in the session we’ll only be using R. Sign up to the leaderboard here using the code: 1114872-105538e6
. If you signed up last year, you’ll still be listed here.