Debugging (in R)

Michael Jones

29 November 2022


Code someone else has written

Code you write

Can you work differently to avoid errors in the first place?

Other People’s Code

  • Scripts from your colleagues
  • Code you wrote a year ago
  • A package from CRAN

Code not in your mental RAM

Have you tried turning it off and on?

  • Restart your session: ctrl + shift + F10
  • Work reproducibly (scripts, {targets} etc) to avoid any emotional cost of this

Read the Error

my_func <- fucntion(x) {
  x + 1
Error: <text>:1:24: unexpected '{'
1: my_func <- fucntion(x) {

Read the Erorr

data <- iris

Error in df$Petal.Length: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
data <- iris

[1] 563.7
  1. Functions are also called “closures”
  2. There’s a function df()
  3. $ subsets data

Read the Error

Tidyverse functions tend to be clear:

iris %>% select(test)
Error in `select()`:
! Can't subset columns that don't exist.
✖ Column `test` doesn't exist.


But {tidyverse} can also be opaque

iris %>% pull(test)
! object 'test' not found
! object 'test' not found
  1. iris %>% pull(test)
  9. base::.handleSimpleError(...)
 10. rlang (local) h(simpleError(msg, call))
 11. handlers[[1L]](cnd)
Run `rlang::last_trace()` to see the full context.

Make a Reproducible Example

  • Distil the issue down to the smallest possible implementation
  • Use a clean environment
  • Explain your steps
  • Make it so someone else can run your code and get the same error


  • There’s an R package for that!
  • Outputs html, markdown, etc ready to share with people who can help
  • Runs in a clean R process
  • Help someone help you

Reprex Demo

Making the Reprex helps to define the problem

Get help from someone else

  • Other people will have experienced the same issue (probably)
  • Copy the error into Google or StackOverflow

Go deeper

  • You can view R function implementations at the console
  • Browse the source on github
function (.data, ...) 
<bytecode: 0x557bd7e750f8>
<environment: namespace:dplyr>
function (.data, ...) 
    error_call <- dplyr_error_call()
    loc <- tidyselect_fix_call(tidyselect::eval_select(expr(c(...)), 
        .data), call = error_call)
    loc <- ensure_group_vars(loc, .data, notify = TRUE)
    dplyr_col_select(.data, loc, names(loc))
<bytecode: 0x557bd93ee938>
<environment: namespace:dplyr>

Other People’s Code (summary)

  • Restart your R Environment
  • Read the Error
  • Reprex
  • Describe the problem
  • Stack Overflow/Github Issues

Your own Code

  • You’ve just written
  • You wrote a year ago
  • From your colleague

Code at hand that you can change

Unexpected result but no error

Ensure you’re using code you expect:

  • Made a change to a function recently? Reload that function
  • Make sure you’re using the right package. e.g. using filter() before loading {dplyr} means you’re using base::filter()

Aside: Raising Errors

Crash execution using stop(), warn using warning()

loud <- function(x) {
  if (x == 4) {
    stop("Don't give me 4")

Error in loud(4): Don't give me 4
quiet <- function(x) {
  if (x == 4) {
    warning("Don't give me 4")

Warning in quiet(4): Don't give me 4
[1] 4

Aside: Raising Errors

Or using {cli} for richer, clearer messages.

loud_cli <- function(x) {
  if (x == 4) {
      message = c("Error in `loud_cli()`",
                  "x" = "This function can't have certain values",
                  "i" = "You gave it 4, don't do that again")

Error in `loud_cli()`:
! Error in `loud_cli()`
✖ This function can't have certain values
ℹ You gave it 4, don't do that again

Demo: debug(), debugonce() and friends

My View

  • Start with debugonce()
  • Then reach for browser()
  • Step through the code
  • Only rarely use recover() and trace() (mostly rely on RStudio GUI)
  • Never use print()

Just write code correctly the first time

Control your Inputs - Assertions

Stop early if things are wrong

div <- function(x, y) {
  x / y

div(100, 0)
[1] Inf
safe_div <- function(x, y) {
  if (y == 0) {
    stop("Don't divide by 0!")
  x / y

safe_div(100, 0)
Error in safe_div(100, 0): Don't divide by 0!

Use {checkmate}

check_non_zero <- function(x) {
  if(x != 0) {
  } else {
    "Must be non-zero"

even_safer_div <- function(x, y) {
    check_count(x), check_count(y),
    check_number(x), check_number(y),
    combine = "and"
  x / y

Use {checkmate}

even_safer_div(100, c(4, 3))
Error: Assertion on 'y' failed: Must have length 1.
even_safer_div("test", 10)
Error: Assertion on 'x' failed: Must be of type 'count', not 'character'.
even_safer_div(100, 0)
Error: Assertion on 'y' failed: Must be non-zero.
even_safer_div(100, 10)
[1] 10


If you know what to do with errors, you can handle them automatically:

correct_my_mistake <- function(x) {
    error = function(e) {cat(paste0(e, "Correcting to 100"))

[1] 10
Error in loud(x): Don't give me 4
Correcting to 100
[1] 100

In a package

  • Use Unit tests
  • Beyond the scope of today - future RUG session

Restrict your input surface

  • Use an object system like S3 or S4 and take advantage of R’s internal dispatch mechanism
  • Your function doesn’t have to handle unexpected input if it will only ever be called on a certain class of objects.

Get Fancy

  • Use a different return type that wraps up whether your function worked or not
  • Popular in pure functional languages, rare in R
  • “Maybe” values that are either
    • Just value: signifying success
    • Nothing: signifying failure
  • Then your functions can be total

Don’t write errors in the first place

  • Think about common errors and head them off
  • Handle them if you can with tryCatch
  • Consider designing your programs such that errors are minimised
  • There are risks in being too fancy though


  • Errors are always unexpected
  • debug() is a very powerful tool
  • If writing packages, think about how people can abuse your code as well as use your code.